Eye & Vision Exams in Columbia, MO

Columbia optometrist, Andrew Stone Optometry offers comprehensive eye & vision exams detecting vision blurring refractive errors - ocular diseases

There are a lot of beautiful things to see here in Columbia MO, and ideally an entire lifetime in which to see them. But sharp, clear eyesight depends on many factors, any of which can prevent you from getting the most out of this amazing sensory ability. It pays to be on the alert against issues that threaten your eyesight, from refractive errors that blur vision to insidious diseases that can lead to blindness if undetected. That's why our Columbia optometrist at Andrew Stone optometry offers comprehensive eye and vision exams for every member of your family.

Essential Aspects of an Eye Exam

A comprehensive eye and vision exam evaluates how well your eyes are functioning, how healthy they are, and how clearly you can make out images at specific distances. They're generally recommended every two years if you have no known eye problems. If you've already been diagnosed with an eye condition that requires monitoring, or you're at elevated risk for developing such a condition, we may recommend yearly examinations.

Eye Function Testing

Eye function testing involves the use of several different evaluations to check such essential considerations as eye tracking and teaming, eye coordination, focusing power, depth perception and eye alignment. It's especially critical in younger patients whose eyes and brain are still developing their ability to work together. If a functional problem exists, we may recommend vision therapy exercises and other treatment methods to correct it.

Eye Disease & Damage Testing

Eye health can deteriorate for years without your ever noticing a decline in your vision. Only an eye health exam can catch progressive, irreversible eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration before extensive permanent damage is done.

Our Columbia MO optometrist dilates your pupils to see a large area of your retina (the light-processing part of the eye) and optic nerves for signs of disease or damage. A technique known as tonometry can measure your intraocular pressure to determine whether the pressure is high -- an indicator of glaucoma. A combination of a bright light and microscope called a slit lamp enables us to look at the lens and cornea as well as other parts of the eye. This device can reveal the presence of cataracts, corneal ulceration and other issues that might not currently be affecting your vision.

Vision Testing

Vision testing with  Snellen eye chart is a tried-and-true method for diagnosing refractive errors, imperfections in the shape of the eye's structures that cause nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. (Another refractive error, presbyopia, occurs later in life when the lens loses its flexibility.) If you're having trouble with certain lines on the chart, we can adjust your view through our phoropter until we have your precise corrective lens prescription.

Call Our Optometrist to Schedule an Eye Exam

Eyesight is too precious to put at risk or take for granted. Keep your eyes in optimal shape by calling (573) 445-7750 and scheduling an eye exam with our Columbia optometrist!

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