Computer Vision for Columbia, MO at Andrew Stone Optometry

computer vision treatment

At Andrew Stone Optometry, we take great pride in being your trusted Optometrists Columbia MO. In addition to providing traditional optometry services, such as comprehensive eye exams and prescription lenses, we also diagnose and treat a variety of eye conditions. One of the more increasingly common ocular conditions we're seeing in our patients is that of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer Vision Syndrome is an eye condition that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to "blue light," which is most commonly emitted from computer, tablet, and phone screens. With more and more people these days working in front of computers and other screens, eye problems connected to CVS have been on the rise in recent years. This syndrome can affect not only your ocular health, but your vision acuity as well. Some of the most common symptoms of CVS include:

  • Dry, scratchy eyes
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Eye strain and discomfort
  • Neck and/or shoulder pain
  • Blurry vision

Treatment Options for Computer Vision Syndrome

The good news is that there are treatment options for computer vision syndrome. The first step, however, will be diagnosing the condition and determining its severity. This can vary based on how long you spend in front of a screen each day, as well as other factors like posture, eye health, age, and other medical problems you may have.

Our very own Dr. Stone will conduct a number of tests to diagnose computer vision syndrome in our office of optometry in Columbia, such as:

  • Visual acuity testing - this measures your current vision quality
  • Refraction testing - determines your specific lens prescription
  • Focus and eye coordination testing - evaluates how well your eyes work together and your ability to focus on objects at various distances

If you are diagnosed with CVS, we can then begin to develop a custom treatment plan to suit your needs. More than likely, we'll recommend a set of glasses to protect your eyes from blue light; these glasses have specialized lenses, and we can order them right here in our office. From there, we may also recommend any number of lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your computer set-up, changing up your lighting, and following the "20-20-20 rule" while working in front of the computer.

The "20-20-20 rule" encourages you to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes of screen time; during this time, you should focus on an object about 20 feet away from you. In addition to this, you should be giving your eyes a break from the screen for at least 15 minutes every two hours to protect your eyes.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Eye Doctor in Columbia, MO

If you're suffering from any symptoms related to computer vision syndrome, we encourage you to request an appointment with our eye doctor. We can perform an evaluation and come up with a custom treatment plan. You can reach our office at (573) 445-7750 to schedule your appointment or find out more about what we can do for you.

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