Pink Eye Treatment in Columbia, MO

If you or one of your children has come down with a case of pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, it’s a good idea to come into your Columbia Optometrists for treatment as soon as you can.

Child with pink eye needs to see his Optometrists in Columbia, MO.

Pink eye is a condition that occurs when inflammation affects the clear coating that protects the whites of the eyes and the area behind the eyelids. You will know that you have this ailment when you look in the mirror and see red, bloodshot eyes. Those affected the most include children, daycare employees, and teachers.

Pink Eye Causes

Scientists have identified three main kinds of pink eye causes.

  • Allergic Conjunctivitis - A number of allergens can lead to this form of a noncontagious pink eye, including pet dander, dust, and pollen, especially during hay fever season each year. Symptoms include burning, itchy and watery eyes.
  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis - This form of pink eye, if left untreated, can lead to problems with your vision and can cause profound eye damage. Remember that it is quite contagious and is accompanied with a yellowish green discharge. Do not delay in making an appointment.
  • Viral Conjunctivitis - Also contagious, this is caused by a virus that is spread through coughing, sneezing and then rubbing your eyes after contact with an infected individual.

Pink Eye Treatment from Our Columbia, MO Optometrists

Your Columbia Optometrists will create a personalized pink eye treatment after examining you and determining what type of conjunctivitis you have. 

If you have a case of allergic conjunctivitis, you will be advised to get medication for seasonal allergies or a drug that targets your symptoms. 

For patients with have bacterial conjunctivitis, eye damage can result if no treatment is sought. After examining you, the eye doctor may prescribe antibiotic drops and ointments to resolve the situation.

When it is viral conjunctivitis, be aware that the condition will generally disappear by itself after a few days. 

What You Can Do to Avoid Getting Pink Eye in the Future

Once you’ve contracted pink eye and experienced its unpleasant symptoms, you’ll want to take steps to prevent getting this malady in the future:

  • Don’t touch or rub your eyes, especially after touching keyboards, doorknobs and other objects that people frequently come into contact with.
  • Do not share makeup, facial tissues or hand towels with others.
  • Never share your contact lenses with another person.
  • Wear protective swim goggles whenever you get in the water, to keep bacteria away from your eyes.
  • Wash your hands periodically throughout the day, particularly when you come into contact with items touched by the public.

Get Help for Your Pink Eye at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia Today!

There is no need for you to continue suffering from the pink eye when help is so readily available in our state-of-the-art facility. If you have any questions or concerns about pink eye or are ready to make an appointment for treating your conjunctivitis, please contact Andrew Stone Optometry today at (573) 445-7750.

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