Diabetic Retinopathy in Columbia, MO

Here at Andrew Stone Optometry, your preferred eye doctor in Columbia, we provide a warm and caring environment where we treat patients with a range of ocular conditions, including diabetic retinopathy.

Man with Diabetic Retinopathy seeking treatment from his eye doctor in Columbia, MO.  

If you have already been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy or have reason to think that you might have this ailment, our team is standing by to assist you. 

Diabetic retinopathy is a scientific term that means damage to the retina. Early detection is the key to devising a treatment plan. When you come to Andrew Stone Optometry, you can rest assured that we have years of experience helping patients with their diabetic retinopathy. 

Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

Please keep in mind that patients may not notice symptoms of diabetic retinopathy until their condition has grown severe. It’s best to come to your eye doctor on a regular basis to make sure that this condition is caught in the earliest stages.

  • Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include:
  • Black spots in your field of view
  • Blurred vision
  • Central vision loss (such as when driving or reading)
  • Color vision loss

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact us immediately for an appointment.

Diabetic Retinopathy Causes

It’s natural to want to know about diabetic retinopathy causes, so you can avoid causing damage to your vision. 

The high blood sugar levels that result when a patient has uncontrolled diabetes can lead to a case of diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, it is crucial for patients to learn more about diabetes and what steps they can do to get this disease under control. 

By managing diabetes, you can reduce the progression of this disease affecting your eyesight. Our eye doctor will provide information on how you can manage your condition to improve your health overall.

Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment in Columbia

No two patients will have the same medical situation, which is why Dr. Stone and staff will create a customized diabetic retinopathy treatment just for you when you come in for a consultation and exam.

The first course of action will be to get your diabetes under better control to reduce progression of diabetic retinopathy. In cases where the disease has progressed profoundly, your eye doctor has a number of treatment options, including:

  • Vitrectomy - in this procedure, the doctor makes an incision in the eye to remove blood.
  • Focal Laser Treatment - This slows down or stops entirely the leakage of blood and other fluid in the eye. Doctors also call this treatment photocoagulation.
  • Scatter Laser Treatment -The doctor uses a laser for pan-retinal photocoagulation, reducing the number of abnormal blood vessels in your eyes.

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment for Diabetic Retinopathy Today

Patients who have diabetic retinopathy should know that the earlier a doctor diagnoses this disease, the sooner a custom treatment plan can be customized. For more information about getting treatment for diabetic retinopathy or to schedule your consultation, please connect Andrew Stone Optometry today at (573) 445-7750

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