Retinal Detachment Treatment in Columbia, MO

Retinal Detachment Treatment From Andrew Stone Optometry

If you are experiencing problems with your vision or partial vision loss, then you may have a retinal detachment. We want to help you correct this emergency eye condition. Learn more about how Dr. Andrew Stone & Dr. Sarah Wolf of Andrew Stone Optometry treat and prevent retinal tears and detachment.

retinal detachment treatment from your optometrist in columbia, MO

What is Retinal Detachment?

Retinal detachment is an emergency eye condition that can lead to permanent vision loss if not addressed immediately. When this condition occurs, the tissue on the back of the eye is separated from the blood vessels attached to the eye. These blood vessels are vital for providing the eye with oxygen. If a detachment is left untreated, the eyeball loses nourishment, along with your vision. 

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

How can you tell if you have retinal detachment? You may see floaters or flashes of light in your field of vision, which will be an abnormal occurrence for you. You may also see a shadow that should not be there. A sensitivity when looking at light can also be an indicator of retinal detachment. Additionally, your eyes may be red and your pupils might dilate if you have this condition. If you have experienced partial vision loss, this is a sign that you need to seek treatment immediately.

Treatment Options 

Treating retinal detachment as soon as possible is your best bet against correcting this condition. We offer several treatment options here at Andrew Stone Optometry. For a retinal tear that has not progressed to retinal detachment, we may be able to provide laser treatments to repair the torn retina.

Another type of treatment is called pneumatic retinopexy. This method involves a tiny gas bubble that is injected into the retina to close the tear. For more advanced cases, we offer pre- and post-op care for a scleral buckle or a vitrectomy. These types of eye surgeries allow for the retinal detachment to be repaired most effectively. 

When to Seek an Optometrist for Care

In the case of a retinal detachment, time is of the essence. If you delay in getting treatment by an eye doctor, you can suffer from permanent vision loss. Thankfully there are simple yet effective treatments for this eye condition. To ensure your eyes are protected, start by seeking an optometrist for an eye exam to diagnose your vision issues. If you do have a retinal tear or detachment, our optometrist will provide you with expedient and professional treatment.

When you visit our optometrist regularly for an annual eye exam, we can identify early indicators of possible retinal issues. This allows our eye doctor to provide preventative measures for protecting your retinas. 

Call Our Eye Doctor in Columbia, MO Today!

If you think you have a retinal detachment, please contact our eye doctor in Columbia, MO as soon as possible. Dr. Andrew Stone & Dr. Sarah Wolf are committed to providing full-service eye and vision care services for patients living in Columbia, Missouri. Here at Andrew Stone Optometry we also offer eye exams along with pre- and postoperative eye surgery care. Contact our office at (573) 445-7750 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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