The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

The Importance of Regular Eye Examseye exams for early detection of diseases and treatment of vision problems at andrew Stone optometry in Columbia, MO

When was the last time you had an eye an vision exam? If it's been more than a year, then it's time to schedule an exam with the professionals at Andrew Stone Optometry. In addition to routine eye exams and vision screenings, we also provide a variety of other eye care services. Having an annual eye exam yields you a number of health benefits.

Keep Your Prescription Up-to-Date

If you have less-than-perfect vision, annual eye exams are a must for keeping your prescription up-to-date. Otherwise, you could be wearing glasses or contact lenses that aren't the right prescription for your needs. Keep your vision sharp and clear by scheduling an annual vision exam with your trusted Columbia MO optometrist.

Early Detection of Ocular Diseases

In addition to a vision exam, our eye exams also include a thorough evaluation of your overall ocular health. Our skilled team will perform a number of tests in our office to ensure that your eyes are healthy. With regular eye exams, we may be able to detect signs of problems (such as ocular diseases) long before the symptoms would have made themselves apparent. And for many ocular diseases, early detection makes treatment much easier.

Treatment of Vision Problems

Do you spend many hours a day sitting in front of a computer screen? If so, then you could be at risk of developing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). By speaking with our optometry team at your next eye exam about your daily routine and habits, we can help you protect your eyes and vision. For example, we may recommend being fitted for blue-light-blocking lenses to help protect you from CVS.

See Your Optometrist Today

Now that you have a better understanding of the importance of regular eye exams, are you ready to schedule yours? Our experienced and friendly staff here at Andrew Stone Optometry is here to help. You can schedule your appointment or find out more about our services offered by giving our office a call. From there, you can be proactive in protecting your vision and ocular health.

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