How Your Vision Changes During Pregnancy

Your Optometrist in Columbia MO Can Help You Learn More About Vision Changes During PregnancyOur optometrist, Dr. Andrew Stone, and the vision team in Columbia MO, care about your eyecare, including concerns about vision during pregnancy

Our optometrist, Dr. Andrew Stone, along with the rest of his dedicated vision team in Columbia MO, cares about all facets of eyecare, which certainly includes concerns about vision during pregnancy. Considering all the other physical changes expectant mothers undergo during this exciting time, it is not too surprising that all sorts of factors can wreak temporary havoc on your eyesight.

Just How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Eyes and How Can You Adjust Your Eyecare to Maintain the Best Vision Possible?

At Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia MO, we see plenty of patients going through their first pregnancy, wondering why they are experiencing some odd issues with their vision. Perhaps your obstetrician has recommended an eye exam to verify your vision concerns, or you simply decided to schedule a visit to make sure all is well. Either way, we welcome you and any questions you have about changes in eyesight and eyecare during your pregnancy.

To get started, review just a few of the reasons your eyesight may go through some slight changes during pregnancy:

Pregnancy Hormones

  • Tear Reduction and Dry Eyes. Often number one with a bullet for physical changes during pregnancy is hormones. One way that pregnancy hormones affect vision is through reduced tear production, which causes dry and irritated eyes.

  • Fluid Retention. Another way hormones can throw your eyesight off-course is through fluid retention, which has a similar effect as when you experience swollen ankles. This swelling can cause a change in the curvature in your eyes, certainly affecting your vision.

Pre-existing Conditions

  • Corrective Eyewear. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, you may note some blurred vision. The change is not often enough to change corrective lens prescriptions, but it is not worth taking the risk if you feel concerned. Schedule an eye exam with us to make sure you do not need to change your prescription so you can perform daily activities, such as driving, safely.

  • Diabetes. You may already live with diabetes, or gestational diabetes may arise during your pregnancy. Either way, it is important to treat diabetes seriously—in all aspects of your health and pregnancy—by setting up an eye exam to screen for damage to the blood vessels of your retina. If you suffer from this condition, called retinopathy, it is important to schedule regular optometrist exams with our office so we can help you maintain the best possible eyecare.

  • Glaucoma. This particular condition generally improves during pregnancy, so discuss medication adjustments with us, if you note extreme changes.

Eyecare to Make the Best of Vision Changes During Pregnancy

The most important thing you can do to maintain healthy vision is to see your obstetrician and our optometrist regularly. Please call us if you experience any extreme vision changes. Otherwise, we will probably prescribe lubricating drops, resting your eyes, and avoiding making any prescription changes until you have given birth.

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