Epi-C Dry Eye Treatment

A male rubbing his eyes

Feeling like there is a foreign body in your eye? It could be a symptom of dry eye syndrome. You may easily brush it off due to dry weather conditions, but it can turn out to be a symptom of a severe underlying condition. If you have what feels like dry eye, there is likely more to issue, please book an appointment with us here at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

The tears in your eye are pivotal for clear vision and overall eye health. Therefore, if there is limited tear production or your tears quickly drain away, your eyes will not function optimally. When you fail to maintain the right volume of tears in your eyes, you will experience dry eye symptoms. These may include:

  • Burning sensation
  • Eye redness
  • Excessive tearing
  • The feeling of a foreign object in your eye
  • Distorted vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye pain

If you are experiencing dry eye symptoms, do not just shrug it off as an uncomfortable feeling. Chronic dry eye can blur your vision, cause eye tissue damage, scar your cornea, and make the wearing of contact lenses become difficult. So, if you are having symptoms of dry eye, please see our eye doctor to have a dry eye evaluation and if the Epi-C device using Low Level Light Therapy and Intense Pulsed Light therapy can help bring relief.

Epi-C Dry Eye Treatment

For most patients, excessive tearing, the feeling of grittiness, or dryness cannot be relieved by over-the-counter medications. So, if you have chronic dry eye syndrome, Epi-C can bring the much-needed relief. This treatment uses low level light therapy and intense pulsed light therapy to reduce inflammation and bacteria buildup in the eye. Patients undergoing Epi-C treatment experience reduced tearing and rubbing of eyes. Plus, your eyes come to life right away when you wake up in the morning — no downtime.

Dry Eye Treatment in Columbia, MO

Suffering from dry eye syndrome in Columbia, MO? Not getting relief from eye drops and oral medications? There is hope with the use of low level light therapy and intense pulsed light therapy. Book an appointment with us at Andrew Stone Optometry (573) 445-7750.

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