Smoking and Eye Health

Someone holding a cigarette

If you are a smoker, you are probably aware of the risks smoking poses to your lungs. You may even think about how the smoke can age your skin. But have you thought about how smoking can cause damage to your eyes? At Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, we want the best for you and your eyes. That's why we offer excellent eye care when you need it most.

How Smoking Negatively Affects Your Eyes

As we age, maintaining proper eye health becomes more and more critical. If you smoke, you have a greater chance of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In fact, a smoker's chance of getting AMD is four times higher than that of a non-smoker. AMD makes it very difficult to read or drive because it affects your central vision and can lead to blindness if not treated.

Why are smokers more prone to AMD? Smoking constricts your retinal blood vessels and can raise your blood pressure. In addition, studies have shown that smoking may also decrease lutein and zeaxanthin, two macular pigments that help protect you from ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Smoking can also increase your chances of having cataracts. This is because more free radicals are released due to smoking which can cause deposits on your lenses and speed up the development of cataracts. Chemicals found in cigarettes may cause your eye's uvea (central layer) to become inflamed. The toxins cause damage to your retina and iris, leading to glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment.

Contact Us for Eye Care from Our Optometrist in Columbia

If you are a smoker and believe that you are suffering from eye-related issues, our optometrist performs an exam to check for any changes in your eyes. If we notice problems, we can begin treatment immediately to maintain optimal eye health.  Don't let your smoking cause eye diseases that can lead to permanent vision loss. If you are in the Columbia area, schedule regular eye exams at Andrew Stone Optometry to ensure your eyes are properly cared for.

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