Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: How to Prevent and Manage It with Optometry Care

How to Prevent and Manage Meibomian Gland Dysfunction With Optometry Care

When your eyes frequently feel dry and irritated, you could have what is known as meibomian gland dysfunction. This condition happens when the glands in your eyelids produce poor oil quality or do not produce enough oil for your tears. Our optometry team at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO, offers preventative eyecare and treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction. We are here to tell you more about meibomian gland dysfunction and how we can help treat and manage it.

Symptoms and Causes of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Meibomian gland dysfunction can develop if your oil glands have a blockage that interferes with oil production in your tears. Your age can also increase your risk of developing this condition since the function of your meibomian glands reduces over time. Other medical issues linked to meibomian gland dysfunction include high cholesterol, autoimmune diseases, and bacterial infections.

Meibomian gland dysfunction can cause eye dryness, irritation, and redness. You can also have a sensitivity to light or blurry vision. Other symptoms may include itching and a burning sensation. MGD can develop if your oil glands have a blockage that interferes with oil production in your tears.

Get Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are crucial for preventing or managing meibomian gland dysfunction. Your optometrist near you can examine your eyes regularly to check for signs of this condition. Our optometrist can also provide advice on easing symptoms or reducing your risk of developing chronic meibomian gland dysfunction.

Practice Proper Eyelid Hygiene

Keeping your eyelids clean helps lower your risk of meibomian gland dysfunction. You should thoroughly clean and remove eye makeup if you wear it. If you wear contact lenses, keep them clean to help reduce the risk of developing this condition. Applying a warm, damp compress to your eyes for around 20 minutes can also help keep your eyelids clean. You should do this once in the morning and once in the evening. Warm compresses help loosen up blockages, so wash away the debris that flows from them.

Massage Your Eyelids

Gently massaging your eyelids can also help prevent blockages from occurring. Eyelid massages can also effectively loosen blockages in your meibomian glands if you already have meibomian gland dysfunction. Our eye doctor can show you how to correctly massage your eyelids and protect your eye and vision health.

Use Lubricating Eye Drops

Lubricating eye drops can ensure your eyes maintain moisture, which helps prevent dryness and other symptoms of meibomian gland dysfunction. We can recommend eye drops to use or prescribe drops as needed. Our eye doctor can discuss other ways of managing and preventing meibomian gland dysfunction during your eye exam.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

We also offer intense pulsed light (IPL) and low level light therapy (LLLT) to help you get relief from MGD and dry eye symptoms. These are both more advanced treatments that can be done within our office to help you get the relief you are looking for.

Schedule an Eye Exam With Our Optometrist in Columbia, MO, Today

Regular eye exams are the best way to detect and treat meibomian gland dysfunction early on before it leads to significant eye and vision issues, so contact Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO, to protect your eye and vision health today. Call us and schedule an appointment at (573) 445-7750 to keep your eyes healthy and your vision strong.

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