Dry Eye Tips for Fall

Dry Eye Tips for Fall

Your eyes need mucus, water, and oil to stay lubricated, but many factors can impact one or more of these components. Weather is one of these factors, and fall is full of weather changes that can dry the eyes out. The following are a few tips to help from our team at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO.

Moisture Is Key

Fall brings drier and cooler weather, so it’s important to replace moisture in your eyes. Artificial tears can be helpful, as can a humidifier in your home. You might also need to speak to your optometrist about prescription eye drops.

Avoid Allergens

Mold, dust mites, and ragweed are common triggers for seasonal allergies and dry eyes. Avoiding these allergens as much as possible is important. You can also utilize antihistamines to help.

Don’t Forget Your Shades

Summertime might be the most popular time to wear sunglasses, but they are actually helpful all year – even when it’s cloudy. They can protect your eyes from UV rays that penetrate the clouds and help keep out allergens and wind.

Wear Protection When Doing Yard Work

Most people spend a lot of time raking leaves and sprucing up their yards for Halloween. Unfortunately, this can lead to dust and plant materials entering your eyes, leading to irritation. Additionally, it exposes you to the cool, dry air. As you prepare for yard work, don’t forget to gather eye protection.

Treat Your Eyes

If you’ve been outdoors for a while, or you notice any dry eye symptoms, give your eyes a little soothing therapy. Use a warm washcloth on your eyes to open your oil glands as an at-home dry eye treatment. Your eye doctor can provide more recommendations for steps you can take at home for relief.

Take a Break from Screens

Fall is a great time to cuddle up and watch movies, but staring at screens for long periods can lead to dry eyes. Be sure to give your eyes a break to prevent this from happening.

Visit Our Eye Doctor for Dry Eye Treatment in Columbia, MO

Are you looking for an eye doctor near me? When at-home care and preventative steps aren’t enough, Dr. Stone at Andrew Stone Optometry can help. Call (573) 277-4052 to schedule your appointment today.

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