Signs You Might Have Cataracts

Signs You Might Have Cataracts

If you're gradually realizing that you're having difficulty seeing and you're attributing it solely to aging, it's time to reconsider. You might actually be experiencing the initial symptoms of cataracts. Many of the symptoms and vision-related conditions are closely linked to the gradual loss of clarity caused by clouding in the eye lens. This is one of the top five reasons why eye doctors recommend that every adult over the age of 30 undergo regular eye exams. At Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO, our team wants to closely examine the symptoms of cataracts.

Symptoms That Could Indicate Cataracts

Cataracts don't develop suddenly; they progress gradually without causing sensations or pain. The effects become noticeable only when one realizes that their vision is no longer clear or when an optometrist confirms the presence of clouding. However, there are seven symptoms that eye doctors commonly encounter in such cases, and these symptoms should prompt anyone to consult their optometrist:

    • Blurry Vision: If your eyesight was clear but is becoming increasingly blurry, it's a classic sign of clouding in the eye lens. When combined with other symptoms, it's important to have it checked, especially if you're struggling to see clearly in well-lit environments.

    • Difficulty Seeing in Low Light: Having trouble driving at night or reading without bright light can be indicative of a cataract. As the lens becomes clouded, less light enters through it. Poor lighting exacerbates this issue.

    • Light Sensitivity: Ironically, bright light doesn't alleviate the problem. In fact, with clouding, it causes a flaring effect that contributes to impaired vision.

    • Frequent Prescription Changes: Eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions are typically updated every few years. Frequent changes are often compensating for the lens clouding that's occurring, worsening its functionality.

    • Diminished Color Differentiation: Regardless of how vibrant a color is, when seen through a clouded lens, it appears dull. This is a clear indicator of cataract development.

    • Double Vision: Double images aren't common in all cataract cases, but when combined with other symptoms, they can signal lens clouding, necessitating an eye exam.

Schedule an Eye Exam at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO

If you're experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms frequently or in combination, it's advisable to undergo a cataract-specific eye exam. The dedicated team at Andrew Stone Optometry can provide assistance. Reach out to us today to schedule your eye exam!

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