What Exactly is an Eye Floater?

Eye Floaters

Do you ever see “spots before your eyes?”  If so, you may be experiencing eye floaters. Eye floaters are minute dots of protein that slide around your eyes when they are in movement.

Eye floaters are often caused by aging. There is a gelatinous material in the back of the eye that liquefies as a person gets older. As you age, the strands that make up this substance dwindle down to tiny pieces. These minute scraps form clusters that can radiate shadows onto your retina and cause eye floaters.

eye floaters information from your optometrist in columbia

Contact an optometrist immediately if you notice a sudden flurry of floaters or loss of peripheral vision. These issues can be symptomatic of a serious condition requiring immediate attention.

If you live in or near Columbia, Missouri, contact Andrew Stone Optometry on Cherry Hill Dr. in Colombia.

What are the treatment options for eye floaters?

Eye Floaters usually go away after a short time. However, if you notice a sudden flurry of eye floaters or have a shadowing of peripheral vision, contact an optometrist right away.

Sometimes treatment is not necessary. However, if you have so many eye floaters that your vision is hindered, an optometrist may suggest surgery. During this procedure, the liquid is removed and replaced with a salt mixture.

Call Andrew Stone Optometry Today!

Remember, if you live in or near Columbia, Missouri, contact Andrew Stone Optometry. Andrew Stone Optometry is located at 2012 Cherry Hill Dr. Suite 201, Columbia, Missouri, 65203. Dr. Andrew Stone will take care of all your vision care needs. Call 573-445-7750 today.

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