Top 5 Causes of Dry Eye

A woman putting eyedrop

Causes of Dry Eye

From time to time, everyone suffers from dry eye syndrome. It could be something environmental such as a weather change, the excessive computer uses, or smoke in the atmosphere. It could also be allergies, an infection, or your contact lens causing the problem. It could also be an eye issue such as an inflamed eyelid, lack of tear production, or a blocked tear duct. At Andrew Stone Optometry, we have years of experience working with residents of Columbia, MO to identify and address the root causes of dry eye syndrome.

Dry Eye Symptoms

There are many symptoms of dry eye. Your eyes may itch and your eyes may be swollen. Your eyes may be red and feel as if there is grit in them. You may also experience blurry vision or increased sensitivity to light. Watery discharge from your eyes may also be a sign of dry eye. This occurs when your tear duct is trying to relieve the symptoms of dry eye by producing excessive tears.

Causes of Dry Eye 

There are many common causes of dry eye. Eyes get dry when you are suffering from allergies and sinus problems. Age can also be a factor in dry eye syndrome. If you are older than fifty years old, you are more likely to experience dry eyes.

There is always a chance that there is a serious underlying condition responsible for dry eye. For this reason, you should always visit an optometrist to receive a comprehensive eye exam. Our optometrist will identify and address whatever is causing you to experience dry eye. Possible treatments include warm compresses, prescription eye drops, or a surgical procedure.

Optometry Professionals in Columbia, MO

If you are suffering from dry eye, Andrew Stone Optometry is ready to assist you. For more information on dry eye treatment or to schedule an appointment, call us at (573) 445-7750.

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