Signs Of Sight Loss

A man holding his eyes

Signs Of Sight Loss

We can all agree that sight is one of the most critical senses. It allows you to do many things on your own without depending on your loved ones, whether it is walking around or working. Therefore, it is vital to recognize early signs of sight loss so that the issue can be handled before it gets worse. Do you suspect that you are losing your eyesight? Visit us at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia for an expert diagnosis and suitable solutions.

Hazy or Blurry Vision

If your vision changes from clear to hazy or blurry throughout the day, it may be an indicator of sight loss. Note that in this case, sight loss does not necessarily mean blindness; it means your eyes losing strength. The vision that changes from clear to hazy intermittently may be a sign of other issues such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The earlier you can recognize blurry vision, the better you can prevent some problems like diabetic retinopathy.

Color Fading or Yellowing

Have you been seeing colors as if they are faded, or as if they are yellowish? You may have cataracts. Cataracts make the eyes look like they are clouded, reducing a person's vision. This problem grows worse as it develops, but the best thing is that it is treatable. Therefore, if you have started seeing faded or yellowish colors, visit an optometry clinic in Columbia for an exact diagnosis. It may or maybe not cataract; the best way to tell is through an evaluation by an optometrist.

Flashes or Floaters in Your Vision

If you are often seeing flashes or bits of lights in your eye, it may be a sign of retinal detachment. This problem usually occurs suddenly and requires surgery to make the reattachment. Therefore, if you have started seeing floaters or flashes, seek medical attention immediately.

Other signs of sight loss are:

  • Double vision
  • Seeing halos
  • Loss of tunnel or peripheral vision
  • A sudden reduction in vision
  • Eye color changes
  • Redness, itchiness, or burning in the eyes

Let Us Help You Diagnose and Address the Cause of Your Sight Loss

If you suspect you are losing your eyesight, visit us at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia as soon as possible. Our highly dedicated optometrist will diagnose the exact problem you are facing, its cause, and recommend the best solution to handle it. Call 573-445-7750 to schedule your consultation.

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