Eye health in the Office

Columbia MO Optometrist Eye health in the Office: Tips & Precautions Columbia MO Optometrist at Andrew Stone Optometry advises Eye health in the Office and recommends eye exams at Columbia MO Eye Clinic for optical issues

You know that looking at devices too long can make your eyes hurt, growing itchy, red, stinging and unable to stare for long without starting to squint. It’s not great, but usually a break clears it up pretty well, right? Unfortunately, too much of this can lead to Computer Vision Syndrome, a disorder defined by groups of related symptoms, including

  • Blurred vision

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Neck and shoulder pain

… and others. If you’ve been experiencing these issues, it may be well past time to come see an eye health expert at Andrew Stone Optometry. We can help you determine if you have been suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome, and provide recommendations on how to ameliorate the problem as soon as possible.

Protect Your Vision with These Recommendations from Your Columbia MO Eye Doctor

When you come see your eye doctor about the symptoms you have been experiencing, it’s important to share all of them. You might think that only symptoms related to the eyes themselves really matter, but Computer Vision Syndrome is a package deal. Sometimes to treat one symptom effectively, you have to treat them all.

Once your eye doctor knows all the symptoms, we will be able to help you make a plan for avoiding them in future. Our recommendations may include:

  1. Placing your computer screen far enough away from your eyes to minimize vision distress, ideally between 20 and 26 inches.

  2. Positioning the screen slightly before eye level.

  3. Using a document holder for important papers and files you might need to reference close by, to avoid changing your head, neck or eye position too frequently, which can exacerbate strain.

  4. Lowering the brightness on your computer.

  5. Reducing glare through lower lighting or removable glare filters on the screen.

  6. Choosing chairs, keyboards and screens that adjust, tilt or swivel with your movements.

  7. If necessary, wearing glasses

Come to Our Columbia MO Eye Clinic and Learn More

A simple web page can’t usually convince most people that they’ve found a solution … nor should it. You need professional help discovering how best to proceed with your condition. At our eye clinic, we offer that through an emphasis on personalized, professional and friendly service in our warm, comfortable, technologically advanced medical office. Our eye clinic will exceed your expectations … but don’t take our word for it.

Come See a Columbia MO Optometrist About Eye Strain Today

If you are routinely experiencing eye strain in Columbia MO or surrounding areas, it’s time for you to see a qualified optometrist about the problem. We can help you determine a course of action that will put you on the path to better vision and overall health as quickly as possible.

When you’re ready to make an appointment with us here at Andrew Stone Optometry about eye strain, please call 573-445-7750. We look forward to helping you and anyone else in the Columbia MO area reduce their discomfort and live life more fully today.

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