How is a Pediatric Eye Exam Different?

Pediatric Eye Exams at Andrew Stone Optometry

Here at Andrew Stone Optometry, we not only provide eye exams for adults but for children. Pediatric eye exams are an important part of keeping your child healthy; here's what you can expect when you bring your children in for vision care in Columbia, Missouri. 

pediatric eye exams at andrew stone optometry in columbia

How is a Pediatric Eye Exam Different? 

During a pediatric eye exam at Andrew Stone Optometry, we'll ask whether your child displays behaviors that suggest an undiagnosed vision problem. These include reaching to bring objects closer, squinting at faraway objects, tilting the head, or repeatedly rubbing or blinking the eyes.

These habits suggest your child is trying to compensate for a vision problem that can be treated with vision care. If left undiagnosed, the underlying vision problem would make it hard for your child to learn and they could fall behind in school. 

During the 6-month eye exam, we'll check eye teaming, movement, and alignment to make sure your child's eyes are developing on track. During the age 3 eye exam, we'll perform similar vision tests while asking your child to describe what they see. 

Before your child starts school, we'll check eye teaming, tracking, and brain-eye communication. Visual flaws here make it difficult for your child to read, see the board, and learn effectively. Early intervention through vision care corrects visual deficiencies so your child can see. 

At every pediatric eye exam, our optometrist, Dr. Andrew Stone, will check the alignment of your child's eye, looking for pediatric vision conditions including strabismus and amblyopia. 

Treating Pediatric Vision Conditions

Visual problems like strabismus and amblyopia are easily corrected during childhood. We may fit your child with eyeglasses that correct a refractive error, restoring vision to 20/20. 

To correct a lazy eye, we'll use an eye patch to strengthen the eye that needs assistance, and we may suggest vision therapy. Vision therapy, eyeglasses, and prisms also correct strabismus. 

Call Us To Make An Appointment With Our Columbia, Missouri Optometrist!

Make an appointment with our Columbia, Missouri optometrist Dr. Andrew Stone. Reserve your appointment online, or call our optometry clinic today at 573-445-7750. We look forward to meeting with you!

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