Cataract Awareness With Andrew Stone Optometry

Cataract Awareness At Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO

Here at our Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO, we realize how important cataract awareness is. The goal of the declaration is to make people aware of eye problems and their treatments so that appropriate treatment is obtained.

Elderly Man With Cataract Right Eye

The Importance of Cataract Awareness

Cataracts are fairly easy to treat, but they are still the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. Worldwide, they are the leading cause of blindness. Cataract awareness aims to make people aware of treatment options so that they do not suffer these effects.

Treatment for cataracts involves surgically replacing the clouded lens of the eye with a new, clear, artificial one. This restores light transmission to the retina, and this restores sight. Over 3 million Americans have this surgery every year, but many others don't realize how safe and effective it is, so they needlessly suffer through deteriorating sight. These people often have negative misconceptions about the surgery.

In actuality, cataract surgery is very safe. It is also fast - it can be done in about 15 minutes per eye on an outpatient basis. Healing is also fairly speedy, though patients won't be able to drive for a few days afterward.

Can Younger People Get Cataracts?

It is more common for elderly people to have them, but young people can get them as well. Some are born with them, while others may develop them as part of another disease process or because of certain medications.

Eliminating Risk Factors

Even though eliminating risk factors doesn't guarantee that you won't get cataracts, it will lower your chance of that happening. Protect your eyes from UV light, avoid smoking, follow fireworks safety guidelines, and eat healthy to give your eyes the best chance at retaining their clear lenses.

Contact Our Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO Today!

If you've been experiencing cloudy or blurry vision, see cloudiness in your eyes when you look in the mirror, or are having any other problems with your eyes, make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam today. Just call us here at Andrew Stone Optometry in Columbia, MO to get the eye care you need at 573-445-7750.

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